The HTC Vive is a virtual reality headset developed by HTC and Valve Corporation. The headset uses “room scale” tracking technology, allowing the user to move in 3D space and use motion-tracked handheld controllers to interact with the environment.

The HTC Vive was unveiled during HTC’s Mobile World Congress keynote in March 2015. Development kits were sent out in August and September 2015, and the first Consumer version of the device was released on April 5th, 2016.


We develop custom virtual reality solutions for the HTC VIVE virtual reality system. These games / experiences allows people to move around inside virtual reality, and players can pick up stuff in virtual reality, move around in virtual reality and interact with the virtual reality world, as if they are in the real world. If you haven’t tried the HTC VIVE yet, you have to try it! It doesn’t do it justice to watch Virtual Reality experience on a 2D screen, you have to see it in VR to do it justice.

On the right hand side is one of the Virtual Reality Games that we developed for DSTV. Watch the video to get some idea of the virtual reality experience!

Virtual Reality Gamification

On the video on the left, you can watch one of our players experiences inside the Standard Bank Virtual Reality game. We developed the game for Standard Bank to show clients how easy it is to use smartphone banking and how it can save them time and money, not spending their time inside the bank itself.

We created a real model of the Standard Bank Bedfordview branch in Virtual Reality. In this experience people can walk around inside the bank, and interact with some of the things inside the bank. They can spend their time in the bank, or they can play 3 games inside the bank. Each game teaching them something about mobile banking.